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I hope my real-life travels and adventures will inspire your curiosity, love of nature, and hope for humanity. Please come in, hang around, browse, contemplate, and enjoy. I invite you to come back often, sign up for my blog, and comment. Grab your pith helmet and machete and come on in.

How I Got Here
Koulev, Adventures of an American Snake Hunter: Book Two



The Adventures of an America Snakehunter
Book Two


The Adventures of an America Snakehunter

Ambushes, snake-bitten, nearly drowning in a river, stuck in quicksand, left to die on an uninhabited island were all in a day’s work for me, a young man who grew up dreaming of adventure in rural Davie, Florida.

I entered the animal business in my teens, and set out to explore the beautiful, disappearing worlds of the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America, and capture deadly pit vipers, giant poisonous frogs, land iguanas and boas. Without a college degree, I got my advanced education the hard way: in the wilderness.

Action packed, with travels to exotic lands, interesting characters, danger, beauty, history, and incredible animals. Koulèv – Book One includes over 150 photos, clippings, tables, maps, suggested reading and cross-references. Approximately 110,000 words, 472 pages, with annotated table of contents, glossary, and detailed index.

Contact the author for signed copies.



The Adventures of an America Snakehunter
Book One

About the Author

     Dennis Cathcart was the guy who always wandered off the recess field at Edgewood Elementary in the 1950s and slip into the woods looking for snakes while others played. Teachers eventually encouraged him, allowed a snake cage outside of the class window. He went on to work for wild animal importers, worked in a venom production lab in Costa Rica, traveled in 13 countries collecting specimens for zoos, institutions, and collectors.

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